Sunday, June 27, 2010

How Long Can You Survive With Sever Anorexia


Summer has arrived! Joso terminated after 4 years it's time to put Curran in life seriously and sought to eat every day. I have been fortunate to have someone pay me the studies and the floor in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwhich I appreciate very much. But now I have to think about getting yourself your own viday saberselas fix alone.

the moment things are going well, there are some other things out there for the moment I can not comment much will be published this year, and the subject of France, we are fighting it.

the moment nothing else around here, enjoying all the holidays and not give you enough sun. I will continue to update often (I hope)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Smallest Canon All-in-one Footprint


Friday, June 4, 2010

Using External Hard Drive As Dvr?

Space Odyssey

An illustration to hang out .... and an excuse not to give up watercolors.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Is Heather Harmon Alive

Well, I take a picture to show that we have made the project at hand and I Xevi. We are preparing 2 pages for a comic project about the history Odissea classic, written by Toussaint Kid, a young screenwriter who is beginning to stand by France.

the moment we can say nothing certain, and not show much else, but we have used to make an illustration by way of entertainment. Enjoy it, hope to have more news soon, and be positive.