Monday, April 26, 2010

Arm And Hammer Toothpaste Oxygenating

Events this week! Music & Poetry! We appear on the blog

He writes the same dog forever Andalusia, the surreal, who cleared a city of dreams dunk in the sanctity and the fair, who never hesitated to re-open to the world, who leaves behind April 1 spring and intense rain and pollen left behind the moors who sleep in the dream.

and culture? not rest on it, this week we offer three new offerings and more.

All events begin a las 22:00hrs

Martes 27

Guitarra Clásica por el Mundo
Ryan T. Walsh

Miércoles 28

Contrabando y Piano
Chico Pérez (Contrabajo) y Rafa Arregui (Piano)

Jueves 29

Las Noches del Cangrejo
Perfo-poesía con El Cangrejo Pistolero

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