Thursday, May 20, 2010

Cheap Oakley Razor Blades


climb the first 12 pages of the history of Barcelona with a screenplay by Rakel Archer. In this without posting my time is of the only things I've done recently in Barcelona Comic Fair, do not know why I made a little KO and I want to draw a hard time finding anything, I guess it is fleeting and the desire to return. At the moment I have left this page to get you started, now I have to fight with the other 11 pages and storys ... to see how it goes.

Besides that, there are some more news than good .. so far can not say anything clear, but is there any project that begins to pull palante, we are about to finish some evidence for a comic book about the odyssey of Ulysses for the Frenchies, but as I said nothing is certain. In this project I guess I will paint the pages, and still do not know how I will cope, for now I'll have to put paint Diaye night to catch a run.

Well apart from that .. I have yet renobar header and look a little shabby ... Nothing more for now.

Be vigilant if someday it up some other things (I promise to try to update more often)


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