Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tech Deck Live Do You Have To Buy It?

finished first foreign coup de Barcelona

Well, we were lying.
The next day the French writer Toussaint Kid sent me a mail with bad news, the editor in which we had to publish our first comic in France said no. It was a not a little indefinite, it was okay, but not how well it would have to be for the times in which we are, that if the "crisis" if not why ... in short, has been a hit and we were lying, but nothing happens, we turn to lift and nothing has happened here, to something else.

This is how people advance, and improved again and again. Overall I'm quite pleased with the outcome of the pages and as I was being all the general appearance of the project. He was also a project that made us both pretty illusion Xevi like me, is that "who does not like to adapt the story of the Odyssey?

I leave with pages that teach the editor, first said the color was too "disney" too flat, with only a shadow.

(Xevi pencil version)

So on the second page Curre me much as I could the color.
(Xevi pencil version)


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