Sunday, February 27, 2011

Mathews Vs Hoyt For Competition

27/02/2011 -> Sant Julia de Andorra, finalist in the play offs at DH ascenso

of Andorra Sant Julià has proclaimed this weekend winner of Group 3 of the First Division Child, and almost certainly will be the rival of our kids in the play off for promotion to Division of Honor.

Congratulations to the boys from Sant Julià de Andorra and hopefully the playoffs bring out the best of football from both teams.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Orlando Area Gloryhole

26/02/2011 -> 14th day of Liga between Playas de Salou - 19/02/2011

Victoria for 1 to 7 on the beaches of Salou track where I could only attend the 1 st half and honestly I was disappointed very much the attitude of local coach resigning from the first minute to win the game. Has been putting the 4 players in 9 meters locked and the only obsession was not to lose by a landslide. At this age should be taught to play football instead of losing by a few goals.
Salou beaches enclosed by 9 meters

Little history has been the first part. It could summarized in possession of 95% for Nastic and 5% for the goalkeeper beaches of Salou. The lads have tried Nastic implement the concepts practiced for several weeks, this time with far more patience than in other weeks 3 and pivot attack a banda. Perhaps the play with less danger to a distant shot has managed to score the only goal in the first half to reach the break with the slightest advantage from 0 to 1.

I hope someone sends me a chronicle of the second part to publish it because as I said before, I could not attend the 2 nd time.

PS I just got the chronicle of Mr., there was:

The 1st half was as you say a lot of possession and putting the rotation and the circular rotation of 4 times, fulfilling the basic objective of not conceding a goal. I remember that they have not shot any time in the 1st half. The result, although it gave a misleading way to profit rival.

Playas In the 2nd half lines has risen a little more advance and a center line and 3 defenders have tried to squeeze a bit more. It was nice few minutes of play because we allowed to play very well, 4 dividing the result that I scored Eric the 0-2. Minutes after the referee has pitat penalty for hands completely unintentional and has risen by 1 to 2. This is done in advance to Playas envalentonat left spaces and lines in three cons of book and end the second pole finicat have the game 1-5. But now have become close with less conveciment and I scored 2 goals that were much more if the goalkeeper had not been so successful

tactically good game, children have been made defense to rotate them closed without me saying anything. Only goal I scored as not to concede goals and Marc do mistakes. They met perfectly.


Monday, February 21, 2011

Provigil And Adderal Together

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Unprocessed Sea Salt Trader Joes

Nastic Tarragona -> 13th Day liga Nastic between Laguna and "B" Cambrils

Porters Heating Nastic
Evil game under my point of view despite the victory by seven goals to two. Again and again we have endeavored to shoot from outside the area, being scarce and rarely the arrivals of players post. Proof of this is that of the seven goals scored, five have been achieved with far chutes and a pair of them arrived at the far post. If I had to indicate the level of the game developed by our kids, say they have played at 30-40% of their potential. For a couple or three weeks have tested the attack of three to pivot in the opposite wing. At first opportunity, which was at the center leading the attack sank three forward after transferring it to a wing.

The Laguna has fought 40 minutes despite its clear inferiority and has come to close on the scoreboard in the second half by placing the 5 to 2. We highlight the best attitude about the Laguna Laguna B A of the week ago that "entrenched" by 9 meters at any time giving up football practice. This week the kids from Laguna "B" have tried to stand up pitching against the number 5, a kid with very good form.

Toca continue "Curran" in practice and especially one another to overcome apathy and "gal" shown in today ;-)

Come on guys that is one day less to get Championship !!!!!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Summit Snow Blower Belt Issues

Comunicat DAY 14 DAY 13 Tuesday Futsall

We will contact you to inform you that on Wednesday 16-02-2011 at facilities of the La Salle football there was an incident between a team player Absolute Team (Carlos Azcarate) and a supporter of the opposing team, Carlos Azcarate in this incident was assaulted by the sympathetic and serious lack of discipline, from the direction of the league, we decided to expel Charles League FutSall LA SALLE, since no any way we can accept these types of behaviors in a league that has as objective health and recreation of students.

Thanks for your attention.

Edgar Molina ( League Futsall)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Can An Adult Leo Eat A Pinkie

Wednesday and Thursday

Where To Buy Frs Energy In Canada


Computers For every Thursday of the new team is the outside, asi que los equipos games with this team that a rest day, we will imformando!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

How To Connect To Nextel In Scotland

12/02/2011 -> 12th Day liga between Laguna "A" and Nastic

New Guys victory Nastic in the difficult track of Laguna "A" from 0 to Cambrils 6 which shows the clear superiority of the visitors. A week has gone up a gear in the game level and has taken a cruising speed which will hopefully bring the kids in shape to the dispute of the Play Off for promotion to Division Honor. Locals have raised a defense diamond tucked back and this time he has had the patience to move the ball fluently hoping to break line and attack the opponents' goal. The first half finished with the clear advantage of Gimnastic by 0 to 3 that did justice to the game played by both teams.
Celebrating a goal at the 2 nd part

In the second part away from being pulled back, the boys Nastic have come as a cyclone to bring land through several cons of vertigo that have placed the marker in a forceful 0 to 6 and left clinched the match.

very good attitude both the first and second half of our kids and day to day as we are seeing rises in intensity of play, resulting in wins final.

next week have to play at home against Laguna "B". We hope to see good faced with the greatest humility and the maximum intensity of play.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Black White Harley Wrapping Paper


the absence of any news or pictures to make, I make a list of all the reviews that we have made several websites and blogs about Barcelona TM. Thank you everyone for the reviews!

COMIC ° Guide
· Hernán Migoya
· UI AR DE japis
· Suite101 FREAK

More news soon!