Saturday, February 19, 2011

Unprocessed Sea Salt Trader Joes

Nastic Tarragona -> 13th Day liga Nastic between Laguna and "B" Cambrils

Porters Heating Nastic
Evil game under my point of view despite the victory by seven goals to two. Again and again we have endeavored to shoot from outside the area, being scarce and rarely the arrivals of players post. Proof of this is that of the seven goals scored, five have been achieved with far chutes and a pair of them arrived at the far post. If I had to indicate the level of the game developed by our kids, say they have played at 30-40% of their potential. For a couple or three weeks have tested the attack of three to pivot in the opposite wing. At first opportunity, which was at the center leading the attack sank three forward after transferring it to a wing.

The Laguna has fought 40 minutes despite its clear inferiority and has come to close on the scoreboard in the second half by placing the 5 to 2. We highlight the best attitude about the Laguna Laguna B A of the week ago that "entrenched" by 9 meters at any time giving up football practice. This week the kids from Laguna "B" have tried to stand up pitching against the number 5, a kid with very good form.

Toca continue "Curran" in practice and especially one another to overcome apathy and "gal" shown in today ;-)

Come on guys that is one day less to get Championship !!!!!!


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