Monday, March 28, 2011

Bed Risers For Bed With Big Posts

APRIL 2011!! Special

V 1 .- Rockway (tribute to DIRE STRAITS / 23 h / / entrance € 3)

S 2 .- THE BARRANQUILLA (fusion-reggae-rock / / Catalonia / / 23h / / Input 3 €)

5 .- the thugs (bossa nova / vers Djavan, Chico Buarque etc. / 23h / free it entered

My 6 .- RUMBA FAR WEST (Rumba and Latin / / 23:30 h / / free entry)

Ju 7., - ROCKERS GO TO HELL (R & R-SWING-COUNTRY / / 23:30 h / / Free

(pop / / 23h / / Entry 5 €)

S 9 .- doggs HOUND ( rockabilly / / 23h / / 5 €)

Ma 12 .- TANGO BAR (bossa nova / vers Djavan, Chico Buarque etc. / 23h / free it entered

My 13 .- RUMBA FAR WEST (Rumba and Latin / / 23:30 h / / free entry)

Ju 14., - ROCKERS GO TO HELL (R & R - SWING-COUNTRY / / 23:30 h / / Free

(Rock / / 23h / / Input 3 €)

S 16 .- THE ETERNAL + THE VALVE ( rockabilly-country / / 23h / / 5 €)

Ma 19 .- TANGO BAR (Tango classic / 23h / free it entered )

20 .- FAR WEST Mi Rumba (Rumba and latin / / 23:30 h / / free entry)

Ju 21., - ROCKERS GO TO HELL (R & R-SWING-COUNTRY / / 23: 30h / / Free

V 22 .- THE SKULL BAND (American rock / 23h / input to be determined)

S 23 .- RODRIGUEZ ( folk-rock / € 23 / 3 / accompanying CD)

Ma 26 .- LATIN JAM SESSION (Salsa and Latin Jazz / 23h / free admission)

27 .- FAR WEST Mi Rumba (Rumba latin / 23:30 pm / admission free)

Ju 28 .- ROCKERS GO TO HELL ( , R & R-SWING-COUNTRY / / 23:30 h / / Free

VI 29 SAKARALLAOS (fusion-reggae-ska / / / / 23h / / input determined)

S 30 .- LA BANDA TRUCK ( rock / / 23h / / 3 €)

!!!!!!!! MAY !!!!!!!!

start with some surprises ... to start THURSDAY 5 opening for THE ROCKERS WILL GO TO HELL A Mr BRA TTO (AS Draggers guit) YOKY VON Štoky (drums of IMPERIAL SURFERS) with your project ( the king shits ) mont will the r FRIDAY 6 coming to visit us as usual in the last 10 years with Alberto Perez he calls his show "Beyond La Mandragora .......

on Saturday 7 THE TUBE + CA NALOAS (rock and powerful and fun surf
10 returns Tuesday with his musicians do BRASIL ,,,,,,,,,,,,, MALANDRO.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Vince Lombardi Trophy Replica Sale

Open Letter and the coordinator of the section of Nastic Tarragona Futsal

Bé ja ens hem proclamat matemàticament campions de 1a divisió del grup Tarragona. Ahir vam guanyar 9 a 0 al Reus en un partit que sense brillant per la poca resistència que va oferir el Reus FS si va mostrar detalls de la qualitat tècnica, tàctica i sobre tot humana d'aquest grup de marrecs.

El 1er en mostrar la seva lleialtat va ser l'Eric que es va presentar al camp content per que s'havia que avui es proclamaria campió i li comunico que no jugarà amb l'infantil, que ho farà amb el cadet, que participarà de la festa però des de la graderia. Un cop baix que al nano li provoca few seconds of disappointment but I immediately costesta if the boss believes it should play well with the cadet should be (4 goals nailed to the cadet, one of the highlights).

After the talk in the locker room. All I ask is that without sacrificing the goal was to score goals to 0 and takes a lot of possession, carrying out the schemes practiced tactics. Simply put "Do not let enjoy the game." Response of the players in the field: Perfect.

Finally I ask that they do not make any gesture or detail that may misunderstand the answer by Reus and already you see all the attendees. Maybe

lucida was little celebration by the whole family Nastic, including their own players and coaching staff but the truth is that we had too much time champions, something totally different league achieved last season.

Well thanks to all parents and players for being where you were and the way you did. We continue to work so I have not yet upon finishing

Nastic and long live Viva football

Henry Batista
Coach of the Child and Nastic FS Coordinator Section Gymnastic Club

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Fishing Pole Holders-homemade

26/03/2011 -> 17th Day liga Nastic between Reus and FS

Party won by 9 goals to 0 which has served to certify the 1st Division Championship child. Bravo to the kids for the second consecutive year have risen to the league title. However the task is not over and that promotion to Division Honor happens to win the next day May 28 at Sant Julia of Andorra in the sports hall of Guisborough.

FS Reus Players tried to go to the counter
Returning to the game today, the guys implemented throughout the first part the concepts tested in recent weeks as a defense to the attack completely pulled back. The second part has been played in its entirety with Nastic goalkeeper as 5 th player and four players from Reus stuck in your area.

Toca congratulate the boys and the coaching staff for the results obtained until today. The numbers are indisputable and as I said yesterday, the last defeat in all competitions dating back to 17/04/2010 in Esplugues Penya field, where his latest loss fit Nastic, even in Division 2. Since then, all parties official count for victory, something which is certainly noteworthy.

Next challenge before playing the play off for promotion: Copa Tarragona - Lleida from April 9.

however, still plays play two league games that remain outstanding to Salou and Platense.

Congratulations again .... and Nastic Força!!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Iit Chemistry By Agarwal

Day 17th -> ¿Campeones de liga?

Tomorrow Saturday the 17 th day of league that face our children against Reus. Last week could not be mathematically proclaim the postponed Champions League match against Salou. In this day will be sought for the second consecutive league championship FHR something available to very few teams. I encourage kids and enjoy the experience that rarely get something similar, not surprisingly, the ruling party last defeat in match play of our kids goes back to April 17, 2010, the party that lost Field of Esplugues Penya Sporting Club by 2 to 1, marking a change of attitude in the kids to meet the league last with an intensity and power supreme champion of the 2 nd Division.

to meet the challenge of tomorrow and then play with the best guarantees the cup Tarragona - Lleida.

Nastic Força!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Arvind Poswal Success

DAY 18 Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Big League Chew Bucket

Cup Tarragona - Lleida and final playoff game ascenso Division Honor

already have the date for the dispute of play off for promotion between champion 1st in the group of Lleida (Sant Julià) and the champion, 1st in the group of Tarragona: May 28 on death row Guissona sports (Lleida). Hang soon flag location map and route from Tarragona to Guisborough.

the other band all teams are groups of 1 st Division Child for the province of Tarragona and Lleida played a drink. They are divided into three groups and the crosses are made as follows:

1st Classified Group 1 - 1st Ranked Group 3
2nd Place Group 1 - 1st Ranked Group 2

At first the semi-finals and final will be played on the same day (June 4) in a flag to determine the function of the teams that reach that stage.

Tarragona group will be composed unless last-minute change by:

Click to enlarge

set tentative schedules are

1 ª Jornada -> Gimnastic Tarragona ''A''-''A''CFS SALOU 09/04/2011 at 15.30 hours
2 ª Jornada -> LAGUNA CFS''A''- Gimnastic Tarragona''A'' 16/04/2011 at 12.00
3 ª Jornada -> Gimnastic Tarragona ''A''- SANT JULIA CE''A''07/05/2011 at 15.30 hours
4 ª Jornada -> Gimnastic Tarragona''A'' - BALAGUER, CFS''A''14/05/2011 at 15.30 hours
5 ª Jornada -> Brothers MONTSERRAT LLEIDA C. ''A''- Gimnastic Tarragona''A'' 22/05/2011 at 10 am

will play 3 games at home and two away, with a shift to Lleida scheduled for Sunday 22 May.

A kids enjoy!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Chronic Kidney Disease Game

DAY 17 Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday

Saturday, March 12, 2011

New York I.d Template

12/03/2011 -> 15th Day liga Nastic between Pax and "A"

strong by 22 goals to 0 where I would like to emphasize the nobility of visitors despite the largeness of the result have not released a single kick to the local players, knowing defeat fit with much honor. Bravo guys!

Welcome before kickoff
Little more to say, the reader's imagination to play developed to achieve the result by the boys of Nastic.

The Week face is touching the 16 th Day against Salou, 2 º placed where it "almost" any result to be crowned league champions in the absence of the days 17 th and 18 th. The combinations are:

* If Nastic beats Salou -> Nastic champions.
* If Nastic ties with Salou -> Nastic champions.
* If Nastic loses to Salou for less than 7 goals -> Nastic champions.
* If Nastic lost more than 7 goals, playing out at least 1 point in the next two days to be crowned champions.

However, I believe that kids must develop their game and forget about the possible combinations as they have enough on their football boots for the 3 points brought Salou, yes, taking the utmost respect for the opponent. PD Editorial

to indicate that the FCF has been issued as a result 21-0, another goal that the referee is eaten along with the 1 st Day.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Restaurants Near Silver City Theatre Ottawa

March 1, 1886 ...... 125 years ago today !!!!!

The first of March in 1886, a group of youths gathered at the Center Cafe at number 56, the Rambla Nova, and officially a club sport to practice gymnastics. They were the foundation of what would later be Gymnastic Club. Under the name Gym Club was born an elitist club made only fifteen members who belonged to the upper middle class. Gym club is practiced all kinds of sports, from fencing to hiking, to boxing and cycling. Playing football not come until years later. Founded by the visionary Tarragona, Adria Pascual. The
1914 a group of club members decided to go ahead with the football section, although in 1917 did not begin to compete. Nastic played the first game of the federal Championship of Catalonia in January 1918 against Vilanova. During the first years of the section plays Nastic regional championships throughout Catalonia, until mid-century, the clubs will meet with the respective federations and demand the creation of a competition which get longer with higher incomes to to meet expenses. Thus was born the season 1928/29 English first division, comprising 10 teams that had played a cup final. The rest would be distributed by second division and regional championships.
Gymnastic Club did not have its own field, so I had to play their encounters in the field HERMANITAS, where currently there is the Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret and. In 1920, the landowner where plays Gimnastic is selling the football field, and the club can not face it, decides to buy 18,000 square meters Camino del Angel, who years later would step the facilities of the Catalonia Avenue. Finally, in 1922, Nastic opened his own field, gave birth to Stadium Avenue Catalonia .....

Felicitats to totes les Seccions of Nàstic !!!!!