Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Restaurants Near Silver City Theatre Ottawa

March 1, 1886 ...... 125 years ago today !!!!!

The first of March in 1886, a group of youths gathered at the Center Cafe at number 56, the Rambla Nova, and officially a club sport to practice gymnastics. They were the foundation of what would later be Gymnastic Club. Under the name Gym Club was born an elitist club made only fifteen members who belonged to the upper middle class. Gym club is practiced all kinds of sports, from fencing to hiking, to boxing and cycling. Playing football not come until years later. Founded by the visionary Tarragona, Adria Pascual. The
1914 a group of club members decided to go ahead with the football section, although in 1917 did not begin to compete. Nastic played the first game of the federal Championship of Catalonia in January 1918 against Vilanova. During the first years of the section plays Nastic regional championships throughout Catalonia, until mid-century, the clubs will meet with the respective federations and demand the creation of a competition which get longer with higher incomes to to meet expenses. Thus was born the season 1928/29 English first division, comprising 10 teams that had played a cup final. The rest would be distributed by second division and regional championships.
Gymnastic Club did not have its own field, so I had to play their encounters in the field HERMANITAS, where currently there is the Carrer de Sant Antoni Maria Claret and. In 1920, the landowner where plays Gimnastic is selling the football field, and the club can not face it, decides to buy 18,000 square meters Camino del Angel, who years later would step the facilities of the Catalonia Avenue. Finally, in 1922, Nastic opened his own field, gave birth to Stadium Avenue Catalonia .....

Felicitats to totes les Seccions of Nàstic !!!!!


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