Sunday, March 27, 2011

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Open Letter and the coordinator of the section of Nastic Tarragona Futsal

Bé ja ens hem proclamat matemàticament campions de 1a divisió del grup Tarragona. Ahir vam guanyar 9 a 0 al Reus en un partit que sense brillant per la poca resistència que va oferir el Reus FS si va mostrar detalls de la qualitat tècnica, tàctica i sobre tot humana d'aquest grup de marrecs.

El 1er en mostrar la seva lleialtat va ser l'Eric que es va presentar al camp content per que s'havia que avui es proclamaria campió i li comunico que no jugarà amb l'infantil, que ho farà amb el cadet, que participarà de la festa però des de la graderia. Un cop baix que al nano li provoca few seconds of disappointment but I immediately costesta if the boss believes it should play well with the cadet should be (4 goals nailed to the cadet, one of the highlights).

After the talk in the locker room. All I ask is that without sacrificing the goal was to score goals to 0 and takes a lot of possession, carrying out the schemes practiced tactics. Simply put "Do not let enjoy the game." Response of the players in the field: Perfect.

Finally I ask that they do not make any gesture or detail that may misunderstand the answer by Reus and already you see all the attendees. Maybe

lucida was little celebration by the whole family Nastic, including their own players and coaching staff but the truth is that we had too much time champions, something totally different league achieved last season.

Well thanks to all parents and players for being where you were and the way you did. We continue to work so I have not yet upon finishing

Nastic and long live Viva football

Henry Batista
Coach of the Child and Nastic FS Coordinator Section Gymnastic Club


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